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Obviously in this day and age, Social Media is key to everything we do within our lives. Whether it is documenting every time we break a nail or use it to connect with others within our chosen industries and advertise; we can't escape it.

Yes, I do have a Social Media presence to be able to advertise anything I'm working on and get the word out, but there are also websites which I own and run.

As you can see, my Twitter feed runs along the side of the page; feel free to follow me if you want. I can't promise it will be an exciting ride but new followers are always welcome.

Following on from Twitter I have a Facebook page which should have popped up on here asking you to give it a like. I don't really tend to bother with Instagram as people seem to use that more for selfies than anything else and I hate photos of myself.

The first ever venture I took into setting up a website of any form was for my love of Silent Hill. Theres loads of other sites dedicated to the franchise, but I started mine for one reason only. I was suffering from severe depression at the time and needed something to try and take my mind of the thoughts in my head at that time, also to keep my mind occupied.

The site still exists to this day and still isn't complete. One day I will get it all finished, but at a guess its probably about 75% done. I'm trying to make it as complete as possible, but it will turn out to be a labour of love (click on image for link)

2017 saw the birth of AIR Entertainment. A collaboration between myself and Shaun Jooste (mainly Shaun) after we were forcibly removed from another website for voicing our opinions on a badly written article by its owner. She couldn't take any form of criticism so after all her writers left, her website shut down. Myself and Shaun took our gaming writers with us and AIR was born.

AIR stands for Articles, Interviews and Reviews from the world of Gaming. We have built it from the ground up and are going from strength to strength including adding more writers to our already talented team. There's a great feel to group chats that we have about work we are doing for the site and there has never been any dictator demanding what work is done which works amazingly to the point where we will all set out to find review codes for upcoming games for the other writers as well as ourselves. We have also set up Social Media accounts for the site to be able to share the articles worldwide. So, you can either follow us on Twitter or Facebook. Its entirely up to you.

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