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  • Writer's pictureAndi Hodgetts

Up and Running..

I think the site is fully up and running now. a few tweaks here and there at some point, but no major issues that I can see.

Now for future plans for 2018. So far I have the voice over work for Neon Sword to concentrate on, but I'm also working behind the scenes of a horror film which will be being made this year. I cant really say much about it other than auditions will be happening in time, but we already have an idea of who we want to work as main characters. There will be positions for extras, but rather than filling the spaces with usual faces, we will be looking to audition for these roles as well. The writing process is on going at the moment, but we are nearly there with scene ideas as well as the main story as a whole. Expect something more straight edged horror than cheese that has been flooding the industry of the last few years.

Beyond that, the second part of Stonehurst will hopefully hit the shelves as soon as there's enough writers interested in another anthology. Its been with the publisher for about 4 months now, so is more than ready for people to see. I'm halfway through the third instalment of that franchise, but there doesn't seem to be an urgency for publishing, so thats giving me time to concentrate on more projects.

Other than that, there's nothing set in stone for 2018, I'm sure more work will come along and I'll keep you all updated as I can, but I'm not going out and looking for it. I was supposed to be taking a year out from everything in 2017 but my life went mental in the last 12 months for projects that came my way. I'm grateful to have been part of each and every one, but the idea of taking time out for myself didn't happen; not that I'm complaining.

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